STRATZER / Environmental strategies

Innovation, consistency, know-how

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At the heart of waste management

Stratzer is Quebec’s leader in waste management consulting services. Municipal organizations, private companies and various agencies call on us for assessment, planning, operation, characterization and optimization services for waste management.

Whether for the management of :

  • Waste
  • Recyclable materials
  • Organic materials
  • Construction residues
  • Household hazardous waste

Stratzer finds creative solutions to improve current practices and eliminate less waste.

STRATZER / Services

Leader in the field of waste management

Stratzer’s work covers the entire range of waste management consulting services as well as a wide variety of clients in the public and private sectors.

Here are the different services provided by Stratzer and the types of projects we have completed.

Team Stratzer

Our team is able to provide a range of services to meet your needs

See the team

STRATZER / Services

Compliance and Traceability

Our sister company, Argus Environnement Inc., can now meet all your needs in terms of ministerial authorizations, permits and certifications.

STRATZER / Services

Municipal Services

Stratzer has conducted a large number of projects for local and regional municipalities, metropolitan areas and Aboriginal communities. Stratzer’s mandates allow municipal organizations and communities to launch innovative approaches to waste management while ensuring compliance with the applicable regulatory framework.

  • Implementation of incentive-based pricing (‘pay-as-you-throw’)
  • Services to IC&I and multi-dwellings
  • Optimization of transfer stations (eco-centers)
  • Improvement of collection services

STRATZER / Services

Markets and Opportunities

Stratzer regularly conducts studies in order to evaluate the deposit of a type of material (recoverable quantity) as well as the possible outlets. In this regard, Stratzer has contributed significantly to the identification of products that could be subject to extended producer responsibility (EPR).

  • Markets for roofing materials recovery (shingles, etc.)
  • Markets for reuse
  • Recovery of maple syrup tubing lines
  • Implementation of EPR (pressurized containers, refrigeration equipment, etc.)

STRATZER / Services


Stratzer has developed a specialized expertise in the characterization of residual materials. Whatever the location or the category of materials, Stratzer’s team has demonstrated its efficiency in presenting an accurate picture of the waste composition of a municipal organization, a corporation or a waste management facility.

  • Sampling and characterization at the source or at disposal sites
  • Quality control study of outgoing materials
  • Accompaniment in an MRF (sorting center)

STRATZER / Services

Design and Planning

The work done upstream, during the construction or redevelopment of buildings or public places, allows the integration of new waste management requirements. Stratzer has played a crucial role in accompanying its clients in this regard.

  • Integration of waste storage and collection spaces in real estate projects
  • Redevelopment of public markets to implement a collection and treatment method for organics
  • Development of food fairs to facilitate the recovery of organics
  • Planning required in a network of health centers to implement the collection of organics

STRATZER / Services

Business Strategies

Many companies turn to Stratzer in order to improve their waste management practices. Stratzer can present a portrait of the current situation, a diagnosis of strengths and weaknesses as well as improvement options.

  • Diagnosis and action plan for mining sites and housing infrastructures
  • Diagnosis of a financial institution’s waste management practices and update of the action plan
  • Characterization and “Zero Waste” strategy for maritime transportation
  • Action plan for the recycling of organics for retail chains

STRATZER / Services

Sorting Operations

Sorting operations illustrate Stratzer’s involvement in the field. Our employees can take charge of the sorting or over-sorting of materials as well as the accompaniment of clients through awareness measures and training.

  • Continuous sorting and optimization of waste practices at the airport
  • Continuous sorting at a food fair
  • Accompaniment of shopkeepers towards best waste management practices, follow-up and feedback
  • Waste characterization and coaching in best practices of a shopping center’s maintenance staff

STRATZER / Characterization

Waste Characterization of a food court in Montreal

For this waste characterization, Stratzer’s team sorted and classified garbage, recyclables, and organics collected from the Place Ville-Marie food court over the course of a day. In addition, the collection[...]

STRATZER / Operations and Sorting

Continuous waste management support for retailers in Laurier Québec and Place Ste-Foy

Stratzer has deployed a resource person in the Laurier Quebec and Place Sainte-Foy commercial centers, in Québec City, to train and accompany the retailers to best practices in waste management.[...]

STRATZER / Business Strategies

Environmental analysis of products distributed on the Quebec City-Windsor rail line

VIA Rail called upon Stratzer for an environmental analysis of the products distributed in its trains and a diagnosis of waste management practices. Thus, Stratzer listed, quantified and described nearly[...]

STRATZER / Design and planning

Waste management planning for the Agora real estate project in Gatineau

A Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) presents challenges due to the mix of uses (retail, office space, housing, public areas). Waste management is no exception. Is it possible to effectively and efficiently[...]

STRATZER / Construction waste

Pilots projects on traceability of construction Waste

Construction and demolition (C&D) waste represents almost one third of the waste disposed of in Quebec. Thus, RECYC-QUÉBEC mandated Stratzer to examine improvement opportunities. In an ecosystem where management methods[...]

STRATZER / Markets and opportunities

Establishment of a recovery network for refrigeration appliances

Stratzer accompanied a group of dynamic entrepreneurs from the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region (Groupe CODERR) in the implementation of the extended producer responsibility (EPR) on refrigerating appliances. Groupe CODERR gradually attracted many[...]

STRATZER / Business Strategies

Waste management plan for northern mining sites

ArcelorMittal mandated Stratzer to carry out a diagnosis of waste management of its mining sites at Mont Wright and Fire Lake, as well as the related housing infrastructures in Fermont.[...]


10 June 2024

Stratzer performs research on flexible plastics in Quebec and Ontario

Carrying out market studies and researching sources and outlets are among the key activities through which Stratzer contributes to the circular economy in Canada.   Recently, Stratzer performed several studies of this kind, including a market study on LDPE plastics for Modix Plastique. LDPE plastics are a type of flexible plastic used in the production of […]

10 June 2024

Stratzer launches its new range of services

Currently, nearly a third of all waste disposed of in Quebec are construction and demolition (C&D) residues, and the situation is hardly more encouraging in the rest of Canada. Having the firm intention of being part of the solution, Stratzer is launching a new range of services specifically designed for the construction industry. Stratzer aims […]

18 December 2022

Stratzer to present a Diagnosis of Waste Management at COP15 in Montreal

Continuous sorting and waste characterization for the presentation of a portrait of waste management during the COP15 on biodiversity.


A career at Stratzer

It means working on stimulating projects that have a direct impact on the quality of the environment as well as on our community. We offer everyone the opportunity to work on projects that fascinate them by putting forward their strengths in order to offer quality services to their clients.

Employees are encouraged to share their ideas and interests with their colleagues and managers during weekly meetings. The structure of the company allows easy and transparent communication with its managers and the management committee.

STRATZER / Contact us

Keep in touch

Contact us for all requests for information on our services and for advice on the management of your residual materials. Our professionals will be happy to answer you.

STRATZER / Montréal

5593, rue Fullum
Montréal, Québec, Canada
H2G 2H5


3315, boulevard Sainte-Anne
Québec, Québec, Canada
G1E 3K8

STRATZER / Toronto

70 Cambridge avenue, #524
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4K 2L5

STRATZER / Trois-RiviĂšres

185, rue Dessureault
Trois-RiviÚres, Québec, Canada
G8T 2L7