STRATZER / Compliance and traceability / construction Waste
Pilots projects on traceability of construction Waste
Construction and demolition (C&D) waste represents almost one third of the waste disposed of in Quebec. Thus, RECYC-QUÉBEC mandated Stratzer to examine improvement opportunities. In an ecosystem where management methods vary greatly and some practices are questionable, one of the first steps is to implement a system to follow the path of materials from the construction site to the final disposal site. With its partner, Optel, Stratzer set up a traceability system to meet this objective. The system has been tested in a variety of construction sites, which made it easier to validate its applicability.
Service type
Construction waste
Crown corporations, Municipal organizations, C&D waste sorting centers, Construction companies
Implementation of a traceability system for construction and demolition (C&D) waste at various sites to follow its path to a recovery or disposal site.