STRATZER / Business strategies / Retail Waste Management
Pilot project for the implementation of sustainable development in retail businesses
Stratzer accompanied the retailers Groupe BMR, DeSerres, Groupe Jean-Coutu, Korvette and La Vie en Rose in the improvement of their waste management practices. Each retail chain designated five branches in which concrete actions were to be implemented and measured in terms of their sustainable effects on the environment and their positive impacts on local communities. The potential for reduced operating costs and greater control of business riskalso guided the choice of actions to be implemented. The five retail chains responded to the invitation of the QuĂ©bec Retail Council (âCQCDâ, in French).
Service type
Business Strategies
Chain stores, Retail businesses, IC&I
Groupe BMR, DeSerres, Jean-Coutu, Korvette et La Vie en Rose
Development of concrete measures in waste management, in the form of pilot projects, to implement sustainable actions with a positive impact on local communities in five branches of each retail chain.