STRATZER / Operations and sorting / strategic Support for commercial centers
Continuous waste management support for retailers in Laurier Québec and Place Ste-Foy
Stratzer has deployed a resource person in the Laurier Quebec and Place Sainte-Foy commercial centers, in Québec City, to train and accompany the retailers to best practices in waste management. Stratzer has set up a follow-up and feedback mechanism with the cleaning staff so they can identify the retailers’ sorting errors. Stratzer has also accompanied both commercial centers in waste management activities such as the diagnoses and annual characterizations, the implementation of waste collections, the design of new food courts and sorting rooms as well as strategic support for the BOMA BEST certification.
Service type
Operations and Sorting
Food fairs, Shopping centers, Grouping of traders
Laurier Québec and Place Sainte-Foy
Accompaniment in the implementation of best practices in waste management and BOMA BEST certification, follow-up and feedback with the cleaning staff, waste diagnoses and characterizations as well as the design of food courts with sorting rooms.