STRATZER / Business Strategies / recovery of organic waste from a supermarket chain
Support for the implementation of an innovative organics’ recovery project
Stratzer first accompanied Avril Supermarché Santé in a successful proposal to RECYC-QUÉBEC for funding. Avril then mandated Stratzer to support them in the implementation of this project which won an Envirolys award in 2021. The project consists in implementing organics collection in all its branches, coupled with a centralization of the organics collected at the Granby distribution center by return of the delivery trucks. Stratzer shared its expertise with the project managers regarding the review of requirements, the filing of the compliance declaration to the Ministry of the Environment (MELCCFP), the development of communication tools and the organics’ characterization.
Service type
Business Strategies
Chain stores, IC&I, Supermarkets
Avril Supermarché Santé
Review of requirements, preparation of a compliance declaration, characterization of organics, development of communication tools and support in the implementation of an organic waste recovery system.