STRATZER / Characterization / C&D waste
Characterization study of construction and demolition waste
RECYC-QUÉBEC mandated Stratzer to study the quantities, the origin and the composition of waste sent to the construction and demolition (C&D) landfills. The mandate consisted in sampling and characterizing the C&D waste. Stratzer also conducted a series of visual audits and interviews with C&D waste haulers. In total, more than 1013 interviews and visual audits were conducted as well as 125 loads sampled and characterized in 44 major categories. The “fine particles” category was analyzed in more detail, particularly in order to evaluate its calorific value.
Service type
Crown corporations, C&D waste sorting centers, Construction companies
Landfill entry characterizations of construction and demolition (C&D) waste, visual audits, interviews with haulers and assessment of the calorific value of C&D fine particles.