Waste management planning for a mine site

Business Strategies  /  Resource extraction companies

STRATZER / Business strategies / Nouveau monde Graphite

Waste management planning for a mine site

A mining company called upon Stratzer to determine the conditions for collection and storage of garbage and recyclables during mining activities. Stratzer first conducted an assessment of the waste deposit (excluding mine tailings) on this site where 250 employees were expected. Stratzer also presented options regarding the number and type of containers required during collection as well as the storage space to be provided for these containers.

Une entreprise miniĂšre a fait appel Ă  Stratzer afin de dĂ©terminer les modalitĂ©s de collecte et d’entreposage des ordures et des matiĂšres recyclables durant la phase d’exploitation d’une mine. Stratzer a d’abord effectuĂ© une Ă©valuation du gisement de matiĂšres rĂ©siduelles (rĂ©sidus miniers non compris) sur ce site oĂč 250 employĂ©s Ă©taient attendus. Stratzer a Ă©galement prĂ©sentĂ© des options concernant le nombre et le type de contenants requis lors de la collecte ainsi que l’espace d’entreposage Ă  prĂ©voir pour ces contenants.

Service type
Business Strategies

Resource extraction companies, Mining companies, Mining sites


Nouveau Monde Graphite

Evaluation of the waste deposit and container options for the collection of garbage and recyclables from a mining site.

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5595, rue Fullum
Montréal, Québec, Canada
H2G 2H5


3315, boulevard Sainte-Anne
Québec, Québec, Canada
G1E 3K8

STRATZER / Toronto

70 Cambridge avenue, #524
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4K 2L5